Submitted by Anonymous on
I was very disappointed to see the article in the Post Crescent about the election of a transgender person voted in on the Appleton city council.
I have absolutely no problem with someone being transgender or being in an elected position, but, I do have a problem with bringing unneeded attention to it.
It is stated in the article that the newly elected councilman does not want his gender to be a distraction, but, yet, here is this article bringing it to everyones attention.
Let's not lose focus on what is important here and that, in my opinion, is NOT whether a person is man, woman, lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, or how many tatoos they have.
I expect more from the Post Crescent than reporting this crap.
Cited article -
Steve replied on
I would agree, if it wasn't supposed to be a distraction WHY then would they print an article about it. A person's gender has nothing to do with there ability to the job.
Anonymous replied on
He/Shes obviously have enough problems sorting out their own business in life. They don't need to try to be working on the publics business. Anyone who thinks these people should be welcomed into society are most likely just as twisted as they are. Why were you personally disappointed? Do you live the same lifestyle? I can't imagine a straight person even caring if it was mentioned or not. My guess is you are trying to push your agenda to try to make these freaks of nature appear as normal people. Nobody normal wakes up one day and says hey damnit I want a penis sewed on me or geez I hate having this penis can you please chop if off I want to be a girl. That is messed up no matter what walk of life you come from. The end.
anonymous replied on
I'm thankful our community is growing more inclusive. I'm glad voters looked at the real issues & voted for a candidate that they felt would do the best job for their community. I understand the Post Crescent wanting to report on the fact that the candidate is transgender & the significance in that this was the first time an openly transgender individual has served the community in this way but I cannot wait for the day when this is no longer "news".
Sienna replied on
Someone's sexuality and life choices do not define them nor do they make them incapable of being political position. Go educate yourselves and stop acting like ignorant white trash.
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